Rescued by a fairy . . . Saved to become a warrior for the lightfey . . .
Rescued by a fairy . . . Saved to become a warrior for the lightfey . . .
Click to order Ghouls of Greenbottom Ward paperback edition.
Eleven-year-old Mira Morales from Guatemala was meant to die in a locked moving van on the Texas-Mexico border along with her twin brother, Bastien. Instead, a fairy creature transports Mira, Bastien, and two other children to the broken world of Arkenia.
But fairy magic isn’t perfect. . . .
Bastien falls under the power of a dark fairy, while Mira and her new friends Keeya and Simon discover their magical powers and unite against invading ghouls. Can Mira conquer the ghouls and save her brother before he becomes a changeling?
Her family thought her weak. Mira’s about to prove them wrong.
Click to order Ghouls of Greenbottom Ward hardback edition.